How Long to Cook Chicken Thighs at 375 Degrees? The Perfect Cooking Time

Cooking chicken thighs to the perfect doneness can be tricky. With an incorrect cooking time you may end up with tough and dry meat, or possibly undercooked and unsafe food. But when cooked properly, chicken thighs can provide a wonderfully succulent dish that is sure to please everyone at the dinner table. In this blog post we will give you all the tips and tricks needed for attaining tender and juicy results each time – including how long to cook chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit! Read on for deliciousness!

What is Chicken Thighs?

Chicken Thighs
Chicken Thighs

Chicken thighs are a popular cut of poultry consisting of the thigh and leg portion of the bird. These dark meat cuts are known for their juicy, flavorful texture and affordability when compared to white meat options like chicken breast. Thighs have higher fat content than other cuts which can be beneficial for achieving optimal tenderness with cooking.

Benefit of Cooking Chicken Thighs at 375 Degrees

Firstly, this temperature ensures that the chicken thighs are cooked thoroughly, resulting in a safe and delicious meal. Chicken thighs, being a dark meat, require a slightly higher cooking temperature compared to white meat to ensure that they are fully cooked and tender. Cooking at 375 degrees Fahrenheit allows the heat to penetrate the meat evenly and helps to avoid any risk of undercooking.

Additionally, cooking chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit helps to achieve a crispy and flavorful crust on the outside while maintaining a juicy and tender interior. This temperature is ideal for rendering the fat present in the chicken thighs, resulting in a crispy skin that adds a delightful texture to the dish. The high heat helps to brown the skin quickly, sealing in the juices and flavors of the meat.

Another benefit of cooking chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit is that it reduces the cooking time compared to lower temperatures. This is especially advantageous when preparing meals on busy weeknights or when time is limited. The higher temperature ensures that the chicken thighs cook faster without compromising on taste and texture.

Furthermore, cooking chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit allows for versatility in recipes. Whether you are roasting, baking, or grilling the chicken thighs, this temperature provides a consistent and reliable cooking method. It ensures that the chicken is cooked through while maintaining its tenderness and juiciness.

How Long to Cook Chicken Thighs at 375 Degrees?

For oven-baked chicken thighs, the general rule of thumb is to bake them for 20-25 minutes. It is important to monitor the temperature of the meat using a digital thermometer – when the internal temperature reaches 165°F, the chicken thighs are cooked through and can be removed from the oven. Depending on your preference, you may also choose to cook the chicken thighs for a slightly longer time in order to achieve a crispier skin.

When grilling chicken thighs, the cooking time will range from 6-10 minutes depending on the size of the pieces. Aim for an internal temperature of 165°F and make sure to flip them at least once during cooking. For extra flavor, you can baste the chicken thighs with your favorite marinade or sauce during the cooking process.

Factors that affect cooking time

Several factors can influence the cooking time of chicken thighs. The size and thickness of the thighs play a significant role in determining how long they should be cooked. Thicker thighs will require more time to cook through, while smaller ones will cook faster. Additionally, whether the chicken thighs are bone-in or boneless can affect their cooking time as well. Bone-in thighs generally take longer to cook than boneless ones.

Furthermore, the starting temperature of the chicken thighs can impact the cooking time. If you are cooking chicken thighs straight from the refrigerator, they will take longer to cook compared to thighs that have been brought to room temperature. It is advisable to let the chicken thighs sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before cooking to ensure even cooking throughout.

Step on How Long to Cook Chicken Thighs at 375

In Oven:

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place chicken thighs on a baking sheet lined with foil and season as desired (optional).
  3. Bake chicken for 20-25 minutes, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit when measured with a meat thermometer.
  4. Remove from oven and let rest 5 minutes before serving.

On Grill:

  1. Preheat grill to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place chicken thighs on the grates and season as desired (optional).
  3. Grill for 6-10 minutes, flipping once during cooking, until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit when measured with a meat thermometer.
  4. Remove from heat and let rest 5 minutes before serving.

Testing for doneness

While cooking times can provide a general guideline, it is always best to rely on the internal temperature to determine the doneness of chicken thighs. As mentioned earlier, the safe internal temperature for cooked chicken is 165 degrees Fahrenheit. However, visual cues can also help determine if the chicken thighs are cooked.

When the chicken thighs are cooked through, the juices that run out should be clear, not pink. Additionally, the meat should feel firm to the touch, and a fork or knife should easily pierce the flesh without any resistance. If any doubts remain, use a meat thermometer to confirm the internal temperature.

Understanding safe internal temperature

When cooking chicken thighs, it is crucial to ensure that they reach a safe internal temperature to eliminate any risk of foodborne illnesses. The recommended internal temperature for cooked chicken is 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature ensures that any harmful bacteria present in the chicken are killed, making it safe to consume.

To measure the internal temperature of the chicken thighs accurately, use a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer probe into the thickest part of the thigh, avoiding contact with the bone. Once the chicken reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is safe to remove it from the heat source.

Tips for achieving perfectly cooked chicken thighs

To achieve perfectly cooked chicken thighs, consider the following tips:

  1. Marinate the chicken thighs: Marinating the thighs before cooking can add flavor and help tenderize the meat. Choose a marinade that complements your desired flavor profile and let the chicken thighs marinate for at least 30 minutes or up to overnight in the refrigerator.
  2. Season generously: Before cooking, season the chicken thighs with salt, pepper, and any other desired spices or herbs. This will enhance the flavor of the chicken and add depth to the dish.
  3. Use a cooking thermometer: Investing in a reliable meat thermometer is essential for cooking chicken thighs to perfection. It takes the guesswork out of determining doneness and ensures that the chicken reaches a safe internal temperature.
  4. Rest the chicken thighs: After cooking, allow the chicken thighs to rest for a few minutes before serving. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful final product.

Variations in cooking time for bone-in vs. boneless chicken thighs

As mentioned earlier, bone-in and boneless chicken thighs have different cooking times. Bone-in thighs tend to take longer to cook due to the presence of the bone, which acts as an insulator and slows down the cooking process. On average, bone-in chicken thighs may require an additional 5-10 minutes of cooking time compared to boneless thighs.

When cooking bone-in chicken thighs, it is crucial to ensure that the meat near the bone reaches the safe internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. To achieve this, you may need to cook the thighs for slightly longer or use a meat thermometer to check the temperature near the bone.

Adjusting cooking time for different oven types

While the recommended cooking time for chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit is a good starting point, it is important to note that different ovens may have slight variations in temperature accuracy. To ensure accurate cooking times, it is advisable to use an oven thermometer to monitor the actual temperature inside your oven.

If you find that your oven runs hotter or cooler than the set temperature, you can make the necessary adjustments to the cooking time. For example, if your oven runs hotter, you may need to reduce the cooking time slightly, while a cooler oven may require a longer cooking time. Regularly checking the internal temperature of the chicken thighs will help you gauge their doneness accurately.

What to Serve with Chicken Thighs?

One classic choice is to serve chicken thighs with a side of roasted vegetables. This not only adds color and texture to your plate but also provides a healthy and nutritious option. You can roast vegetables such as carrots, Brussels sprouts, and sweet potatoes, seasoned with herbs and olive oil, to create a flavorful and satisfying side dish.

Another popular option is to serve chicken thighs with a side of rice or pasta. Rice can be cooked plain or seasoned with herbs and spices to complement the flavors of the chicken. Pasta dishes, such as creamy Alfredo or tangy marinara, can also be a great choice to pair with chicken thighs. The versatility of rice and pasta allows you to experiment with different flavors and ingredients, ensuring that there is something for everyone’s taste buds.

For a lighter option, consider serving chicken thighs with a fresh salad. A mix of crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, crunchy cucumbers, and tangy vinaigrette can provide a refreshing contrast to the richness of the chicken. You can also add ingredients such as avocado, feta cheese, or nuts to add texture and depth to your salad. Additionally, serving chicken thighs with a side of steamed or sautéed greens, such as spinach or broccoli, can offer a nutritious and balanced meal.

If you’re looking for a more indulgent option, consider serving chicken thighs with a side of mashed potatoes or creamy polenta. The velvety smoothness of these starches pairs beautifully with the tender and flavorful chicken thighs. You can also add some roasted garlic or herbs to elevate the taste of the side dish. Another decadent choice is to serve chicken thighs with a side of macaroni and cheese. The cheesy goodness of this classic comfort food is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

In conclusion, there are numerous options when it comes to serving chicken thighs. Whether you prefer roasted vegetables, rice or pasta, salads, or more indulgent sides like mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese, there is something for everyone’s taste. Experimenting with different flavors and ingredients can help you find the perfect accompaniment to make your chicken thigh dish truly memorable.

Frequently asked questions

Can I cook chicken thighs at a higher temperature to reduce cooking time?

While it is possible to cook chicken thighs at a higher temperature, it is important to ensure that the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking at a higher temperature may result in the exterior of the thighs becoming overcooked or burnt while the interior remains undercooked.

Can I cook chicken thighs at a lower temperature for a longer time?

Cooking chicken thighs at a lower temperature for a longer time can result in tender and juicy meat. However, it is crucial to ensure that the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure food safety.

Can I cook frozen chicken thighs at 375 degrees?

It is generally recommended to thaw chicken thighs before cooking to ensure even and thorough cooking. However, if you need to cook frozen chicken thighs, you will need to increase the cooking time. It is advisable to use a meat thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can I use a convection oven to cook chicken thighs at 375 degrees?

Yes, you can use a convection oven to cook chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. However, convection ovens typically cook faster than conventional ovens, so you may need to reduce the cooking time slightly. It is advisable to monitor the internal temperature of the chicken thighs to ensure they reach 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can I cook chicken thighs in a slow cooker?

Yes, you can cook chicken thighs in a slow cooker. However, it is important to note that the cooking time and temperature will differ from conventional ovens. Generally, it takes approximately 5-6 hours for bone-in chicken thighs to cook in a slow cooker set on low heat. It is important to check the internal temperature of the chicken thighs before serving to ensure they reach 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is it safe to eat chicken thighs cooked at 375 degrees?

Yes, it is safe to eat chicken thighs cooked at 375 degrees Fahrenheit as long as the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 165 degrees Fahrenheit in order to kill off any harmful bacteria. It is important to use a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken thighs have reached the recommended internal temperature before serving.

What should I do if my chicken thighs are not cooked through after 375 degrees?

If your chicken thighs are not cooked through after reaching 375 degrees Fahrenheit, you can raise the temperature slightly and continue cooking until it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, you can cover the chicken thighs with foil and bake them in a lower temperature to ensure thorough cooking. It is important to use a meat thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature of the chicken thighs reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit before serving.


Cooking chicken thighs at 375 degrees Fahrenheit is a popular method that yields delicious results when done correctly. By considering factors such as the size and starting temperature of the thighs, using a meat thermometer to ensure the safe internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, and following the recommended cooking times, you can achieve perfectly cooked chicken thighs every time. Remember to experiment with different seasonings and cooking techniques to create a variety of flavorful dishes using this versatile cut of poultry. Enjoy your culinary journey and savor the satisfaction of cooking the perfect chicken thighs.

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